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Water soluble fertilizer selection soil chef effect fertilizer, Feng always said rest assured

Released Date: Apr 23,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
Less than 6 o 'clock in the morning, General Feng came to the farmer shed, recently too busy to return the effect, while there is time in the morning to return the effect, today is Yu Big Brother's persimmon greenhouse, Yu Big Brother using the soil chef effect fertilizer has just washed two water, today to General Feng hurriedly see the effect?

Before dawn6At o 'clock, General Manager Feng came to the farmer shed, recently too busy to go out early and late to send fertilizer to return the effect, while there is time in the morning to return the effect, today is Yu elder Brother's persimmon greenhouse, Yu Elder brother using the soil chef effect fertilizer has just washed two water, today to Feng hurriedly see the effect?

A native cook is fat-tomato

Water-soluble fertilizer-Native chef tomato

Water-soluble fertilizerChoose soil chef effect fat, Feng always said rest assured

Just into the shed far to see in the big brother is flushing fat asked:"Hey, Yu Ge, how did this persimmon grow?" Brother Yu went to the center of the shed and said, "Come and see how beautiful this persimmon is. Beautiful fruit shape is very ah!" Feng said while taking out the mobile phone effect: "Yes! thisA native cook is fatIt really works well. I went to several sheds over there to see it. It's not bad, either. You tell me, Yu Ge!"

"What do I have to say? Look, this increase in production and income is a fact. If you don't believe me, come and ask me in my shed." "Yes, people are free to consult! You keep busy, Brother Yu. I will go to deliver the fertilizer. We can communicate with each other whenever there is any problem." Then Feng was busy delivering fertilizer again.

Water soluble fertilizer selection soil chef effect fertilizer, Feng always said rest assured

How does Feng always work with the local chef Effie? Feng always do distribution in Inner Mongolia, mainly serving in the shed area, are tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables greenhouses, with good habits of fertilizer, some more attention to organic vegetables and green vegetables are directly to the first-tier city sales.

Mr. Feng had several types of water-soluble fertilizerProducts, but because of the epidemic and other reasons, there is a price increase, the goods can not be timely supply, thinking of a new product. Accidentally listen to a friend recommended the soil chef effect fertilizer, effect fertilizer is in soil, fertilizer, crops under the trinity research and development system, around the crops needed"Efficacy" to develop fertilizer, can improve both soil fertility and fertility. Fertilizer with rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, flower preservation, fruit swelling, sweetening, coloring, resistance, yield increase and other effects of one or more.

The foot

Water soluble fertilizer selection soil chef effect fertilizer, Feng always said rest assured

General Manager Feng was very interested and decided to cooperate with him. After communicating with Feng, the Marketing Department of the local chef began to promote the effect, which led to this scene this morning.

Of course, after a period of experimental visits, the shanty also saw the effect of soil chef, soil fertility is sufficient, fertilization is used soil chef, this slogan is becoming more and more popular in the local!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530