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Planting base

Water soluble fertilizer selected soil chef, Tian Boss says "worth"

Water soluble fertilizer selected soil chef, Tian Boss says "worth"Dec 21,2022

Water-soluble fertilizer is one of the most popular products in fertilizer. Many farmers like it, but because of too many brands and uneven quality, it brings many problems to the common people. Today, let's take a look at the boss Tian from Guangxi.

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Soil chef effect fertilizer use effect case, invite you to witness!

Soil chef effect fertilizer use effect case, invite you to witness!Dec 21,2022

The same is the vegetable planting boss, the output and quality of each base is not the same, in addition to the impact of soil, technology, more is the impact of fertility, soil chef effect fertilizer is now in all parts of the country have a certain influence, we look down to witness the effect.

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Water soluble fertilizer brand, farmers choose soil chef

Water soluble fertilizer brand, farmers choose soil chefDec 17,2022

In recent years, water-soluble fertilizer has become the mainstream product in the market. It has high absorption rate, good effect, quick effect, convenient use, and many advantages. Many growers have given it a high evaluation.

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Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Uncle Wang case

Foliar fertilizer is what fertilizer? Uncle Wang caseDec 16,2022

There are many ways to apply fertilizer to crops. The traditional way of applying fertilizer is to apply fertilizer to the soil, which is absorbed by the roots of crops. Due to excessive pressure on the soil in recent decades, soil compaction and acid-base imbalance are caused by root absorption problems, and sometimes no matter how much fertilizer is applied to the roots, crops still do not grow well. Foliar fertilizer is another way to bypass the soil. What is foliar fertilizer? Does it work?

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Leaf fat a few days play a good? Farmer's statement

Leaf fat a few days play a good? Farmer's statementDec 14,2022

Foliar fertilizer is a common plant nutrient that can play a vital role when the roots of crops are unable to replenish nutrients quickly.

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Chef Soil effect fertilizer use case, you are invited to witness

Chef Soil effect fertilizer use case, you are invited to witnessDec 13,2022

Our country as a large agricultural country, the planting of crops has a long history and broad area, and agriculture is also one of our most important industries. In the 1980s and 1990s, in order to ensure the growth of crops, a large number of long-term use of chemical fertilizer has brought various problems to the soil. Now our planting structure has changed, the soil has changed, and so has the habit of using fertilizer. Recently, the soil chef effect fertilizer in water soluble fertilizer has been a lot of praise from farmers around, let's look at the next.

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Local chef market visit to tell you: effective fertilizer is not expensive, after increasing production is free

Local chef market visit to tell you: effective fertilizer is not expensive, after increasing production is freeDec 08,2022

The benefit of out-of-season crop cultivation in greenhouses is often several times that of ordinary cultivation. However, factors such as climate, temperature control, moisture, soil, management and fertilizer can all lead to very different growth, yield and quality of crops.

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Foliar fertilizer effect so good? I'm not ready to use it

Foliar fertilizer effect so good? I'm not ready to use itDec 07,2022

In agricultural planting, the use of fertilizer has greatly improved the resistance and yield of crops, and the types of fertilizer are increasing day by day. Among them, foliar fertilizer, as a conventional fertilizer, also plays an important role. As a supplement to the root fertilization, it has the advantages of less consumption, quick effect and strong collocation.

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Leaf fat brand, I go with Chef soil

Leaf fat brand, I go with Chef soilDec 06,2022

Foliar fertilizer, as a topdressing method outside the root, needs to be sprayed directly on the crop leaves. The stomata on the leaf surface is the main channel for foliar fertilizer to enter the plant body, and it can be transported to all parts of the plant by the absorption effect of the leaves.

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What product does cucumber fertilize choose? Farmer's case

What product does cucumber fertilize choose? Farmer's caseDec 05,2022

Cucumber fertilization is the concern of every cucumber farmer, the good use of fertilizer, the quality and yield can be greatly improved, there are many farmers because do not know how to choose fertilizer, has been troubled, today we take a look at the case of Liaoning Wu Brother.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530