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What is the function of microbial agents?

What is the function of microbial agents?Mar 09,2022

Long-term use of a large number of chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers has an impact on crops and soil, and it also has a great impact on the future human living environment. Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to the safety of agricultural products, and water-soluble fertilizers have emerged as the times require, especially microbial agents with very high heat recently.

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Why is water-soluble fertilizer vigorously promoted? Why are there these reasons?

Why is water-soluble fertilizer vigorously promoted? Why are there these reasons?Mar 05,2022

Compound fertilizer and big chemical fertilizer were widely used in the agricultural field for more than ten years ago. However, with the emergence of soil problems, traditional compound fertilizer can no longer meet the needs of agricultural production. At present, more growers are more willing to choose water-soluble fertilizer, which has good effects in different crop planting fields.

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Microbial agents will develop rapidly.

Microbial agents will develop rapidly.Mar 01,2022

Because of years of planting and extensive use of chemical fertilizers, growers find that the soil quality is getting worse and worse. The more fertilizer is applied, the more output will not increase, and the quality will decrease accordingly. Coupled with various soil diseases, the common people are worried. In the future, microbial agents, as the main force of improving soil, will develop rapidly.

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How to select microbial agents manufacturers?

How to select microbial agents manufacturers?Feb 27,2022

Crops can't grow without the soil. If the quality of the soil is not good enough, there will be various problems in the process of crop growth. As we all know, today's soil situation is not optimistic. Microbial agents to improve soil problems came into being at the historic moment, which can solve many soil problems. Now many water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are producing microbial agents in the market, so how to choose microbial agent manufacturers?

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Relationship between market share of water-soluble fertilizer and planting industry

Relationship between market share of water-soluble fertilizer and planting industryFeb 25,2022

Many people are very optimistic about the future development of water-soluble fertilizer. According to the national agricultural policy, water-soluble fertilizer really has a milestone significance for the whole agricultural planting industry.

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What should we pay attention to when using compound fertilizer?

What should we pay attention to when using compound fertilizer?Feb 23,2022

The application of compound fertilizers is of great significance to the development of agriculture and can increase the output of crops. Of course, the actual effects of different types of fertilizers are also different.

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How to choose microbial inoculum? Chef Tu has something to say about efficacy and fat.

How to choose microbial inoculum? Chef Tu has something to say about efficacy and fat.Feb 22,2022

Long-term use of large-scale chemical fertilizers will have a great impact on the soil, so now there are many soil problems. If you want to improve the soil, you need to use microbial agents. How should you choose this product? The following is a detailed introduction for everyone.

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Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers choose, and the local chef's functional fertilizer tells you.

Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers choose, and the local chef's functional fertilizer tells you.Feb 21,2022

Water-soluble fertilizer industry is developing rapidly, and the number of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers is constantly rising. However, the quality of water-soluble fertilizer produced by each manufacturer is uneven, and the types of water-soluble fertilizer produced by various manufacturers are quite similar. In this case, which water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer to cooperate with is a matter of great concern to many large growers. Here is a detailed introduction for everyone.

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Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are unreliable, and the local chef's functional fertilizer teaches you these two tricks.

Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are unreliable, and the local chef's functional fertilizer teaches you these two tricks.Feb 17,2022

Nowadays, the sales model of fertilizer has changed a lot, but no matter how the market changes, the key is to find reliable manufacturers. If you choose unreliable water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers, it will be very troublesome to follow up with various problems. How to judge whether water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are reliable?

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How to choose water-soluble fertilizer? Chef Tu's efficacy fertilizer reminds you

How to choose water-soluble fertilizer? Chef Tu's efficacy fertilizer reminds youFeb 15,2022

Water-soluble fertilizer has been recognized by many growers in the market, and growers are willing to choose it because of its good effect. However, when choosing fertilizer, special attention should be paid to the method. If the quality of the selected fertilizer is not good, it will directly affect the growth of crops. Here are some common ways to identify water-soluble fertilizer.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530