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Water soluble fertilizer distribution to do these points, no longer difficult

Released Date: Apr 21,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
At present, most agricultural distributors are doing water soluble fertilizer, wholesalers may have dozens of brands are not much, retailers have at least a dozen brands, many products but can be countable, and even some agricultural distributors have a fist in the hand of products.

Water-soluble fertilizerAt present, most agricultural materials dealers are doing, wholesalers may have dozens of brands is not much, retailers have at least a dozen brands, many products but can be counted on the quantity, and even some agricultural materials dealers have a fist in the hand of products.

So in the face of such a complex water soluble fertilizer market, dealers how to do to continue on the volume, do not bother?

The foot

First, streamline the product.

2022Years, the water soluble fertilizer market has basically entered a saturated state, even when the market is not good, there will be farmers joke that the sale of fertilizer is more than farming. Since facing these problems, some dealers with ideas will re-plan their own products, find out the largest sales volume of water-soluble fertilizer brand to do the main push, simplify some of the brand without brand influence and sales volume is not big water-soluble fertilizer brand, so that not only save energy, but also the weight to the main push products, promote the volume, and can talk to manufacturers about higher preferential policies.

Two, water soluble fertilizer products complete

Many agricultural dealers will find that they are using one or two single products to open the market, this is wrong? Of course, it is true. The problem lies in whether you have expanded the volume after opening the market with this one or two single products, and whether you have timely matched the whole series of products. For example, if you open the market with a rooting agent, you can keep up with foliar fertilizer,bacterioticsPowder, liquid, etc., otherwise the market you have worked so hard to open will be invaded by competitors. Why? Because your products are not complete, farmers want to get all the fertilizer once, in your here can not get all, it will be very inconvenient.

Three, medium and high-end water-soluble fertilizer should be available

As the saying goes, radish and cabbage, each has his own love. Some farmers will choose cheap water-soluble fertilizers, others will choose high-end water-soluble fertilizers and organic green foods. Each has its own needs, and what you need to do is meet their needs. At the same time, cooperate with each other, for example: we all know that cheap no good goods, but to buy water soluble fertilizer and too expensive too expensive, always take cheap products, cheap products naturally poor effect, over time farmers will not think that they used cheap water soluble fertilizer and poor effect, will only say that you sell the product effect is not good, so with high-end products to witness the effect, guarantee the reputation. This detail is important.

Local Chef poster

The above is mainly from the product dimension to agricultural dealers to share three points, in order to do business is no longer difficult, there are a lot of skills, you can call the soil chef official hotline consultation.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530