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How to select microbial agents manufacturers?

How to select microbial agents manufacturers?Feb 27,2022

Crops can't grow without the soil. If the quality of the soil is not good enough, there will be various problems in the process of crop growth. As we all know, today's soil situation is not optimistic. Microbial agents to improve soil problems came into being at the historic moment, which can solve many soil problems. Now many water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers are producing microbial agents in the market, so how to choose microbial agent manufacturers?

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Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers choose, and the local chef's functional fertilizer tells you.

Water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers choose, and the local chef's functional fertilizer tells you.Feb 21,2022

Water-soluble fertilizer industry is developing rapidly, and the number of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers is constantly rising. However, the quality of water-soluble fertilizer produced by each manufacturer is uneven, and the types of water-soluble fertilizer produced by various manufacturers are quite similar. In this case, which water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer to cooperate with is a matter of great concern to many large growers. Here is a detailed introduction for everyone.

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What fertilizer does soil compaction make good? The local chef is effective and fat.

What fertilizer does soil compaction make good? The local chef is effective and fat.Feb 14,2022

In recent years, soil compaction has been a big problem that puzzles Chinese farmers. Both vegetable growers and fruit tree growers have found that their own soil began to be compacted. How does soil compaction appear, what harm does soil compaction have, and how to solve the problem of soil compaction? This article will answer you one by one.

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How to use imported water-soluble fertilizer on strawberries? Chef's efficacy fertilizer answers

How to use imported water-soluble fertilizer on strawberries? Chef's efficacy fertilizer answersFeb 13,2022

"The mountain clothes and grass are dyed with raspberry moss, and the eyes are still open to the common." From this poem, we can see that strawberries have high ornamental value. Similarly, in modern agriculture, strawberries, as fruits, also have sweet taste and improve immunity, which is very popular with everyone. However, in winter, the price of high-quality strawberries is higher than the sky, which makes growers very excited and want to join strawberry planting.

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What should we pay attention to when applying water-soluble fertilizer? Chef Tu reminds you not to be careless.

What should we pay attention to when applying water-soluble fertilizer? Chef Tu reminds you not to be careless.Feb 11,2022

Water-soluble fertilizer will be widely used in modern agriculture, because it has many advantages and has been promoted in many areas, and there are many matters needing attention when using water-soluble fertilizer. Do you know what they are?

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Chef Tu's functional fertilizer will answer your question, how can cucumber and melon recover quickly after topping?

Chef Tu's functional fertilizer will answer your question, how can cucumber and melon recover quickly after topping?Jan 21,2022

In cucumber planting, topping of cucumber and melon is a particularly common problem, which often occurs in greenhouse areas in the north. The main performance of melon topping is that the new leaves stop growing at the top of the cucumber vine, and the symptom is that a large number of young melons are piled up together, which affects the normal growth of cucumber, reduces the yield of cucumber, greatly affects the quality of cucumber, and will affect the income of melon farmers if not solved in time.

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What about rotten roots of fruit trees? Improve with it

What about rotten roots of fruit trees? Improve with itJan 11,2022

Fruit trees are perennial plants, which are the result of planting one year after another. However, most fruit orchards in our country have a certain number of years. There will be some problems in the root system of fruit trees, and the absorption capacity of the root system is getting worse and worse. Just like people, with the increase of age, the arms and legs are not as strong as when they were young. So today, what should we do to analyze the rotten roots of fruit trees?

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Fertilize kiwi fruit and choose the chef brand. That's right.

Fertilize kiwi fruit and choose the chef brand. That's right.Jan 04,2022

In China, kiwifruit cultivation is mainly concentrated in Meixian County, Shaanxi Province, zhouzhi county County, Xi 'an Province, Cangxi County, Sichuan Province, etc. In recent years, besides the output, the quality of kiwifruit has been paid more attention by everyone, and high-quality kiwifruit can also bring better benefits to growers. Let's start with fertilization to improve the quality of kiwifruit.

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The role of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, popular science is coming.

The role of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, popular science is coming.Dec 30,2021

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is often called "universal fertilizer or universal fertilizer" by people in the industry in agricultural production. After years of popularization and application, it has been highly recognized by the majority of growers. Then, how to use a good potassium dihydrogen phosphate to achieve obvious results?

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How to apply fertilizer during citrus fruit swelling period? Chef Tu came to help.

How to apply fertilizer during citrus fruit swelling period? Chef Tu came to help.Dec 22,2021

When it comes to citrus fertilization, we must not ignore the fertilization during the expansion period of citrus fruit, which is especially critical for the later period of increasing production and income. Generally, the expansion period of citrus is from the beginning of July to the beginning of October, and the demand for nutrients in this period is relatively large. Only by ensuring reasonable fertilization can the fruits expand and turn color normally, how to apply fertilizer during the expansion period of citrus fruit? Let's learn about it today.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530