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Foliar fertilizer choose which? Distributor Zhao general selection soil chef

Released Date: May 01,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
Foliar fertilizer choose which? It is the concern of countless dealers and growers. After all, in today's scientific fertilization, foliar fertilizer also plays an important role in the process of fertilization. Today, I want to talk about how dealer General Zhao determines cooperation with Chef soil.

Foliar fertilizerWhich one? It is the concern of countless dealers and growers. After all, in today's scientific fertilization, foliar fertilizer also plays an important role in the process of fertilization. Today, I want to talk about how dealer General Zhao determines cooperation with Chef soil.


Zhao always do agricultural materials dealers in Heilongjiang12Years, before the main do seed distribution, but because the seeds are not good to do in recent years, in want to choose pesticide or fertilizer, after weighing the pros and cons, Zhao still feel better to do fertilizer, began to find manufacturers do compound fertilizer, compound fertilizer is also a few years ago, the price of raw materials is too serious, especially last year and this year doubled, so that people can not afford to use fertilizer.

Zhao is always the upstream and downstream extrusion no way, last year began to think about transformation, in the many leaf fertilizer manufacturers, finally chose the soil chef effect fertilizer.

General Manager Zhao learned that:"Efficacy fertilizer is in soil, fertilizer, crops under the trinity of research and development system, around the crop needs"Efficacy" to develop fertilizer, can improve both soil fertility and fertility. A fertilizer that has one or more effects, such as rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, preserving flower, rising fruit, sweetening, coloring, resisting stress and increasing yield."

"When I just learned about the efficacy of the soil chef, I thought this product line, it has only been promoted for half a year, used by farmers feedback is good, especially this high yield and quality enhancement agentFoliar fertilizerThis is all UAV spray, the amount of foliar fertilizer is large, if you choose the quality of poor foliar fertilizer, there is no way to leaf spray, serious will also affect the drone."Fly hand dissolving soil chef high yield lifting agent foliar fertilizer"And said:"This leaf is fatYes, there are no impurities after melting. It is really good fat."

Chef Tu-Foliar fertilizer_A copy of the

General Manager Zhao went on:"Brother Li from our village has200In the rice of mu, the soil chef was sprayed with leaf fertilizer for high yield, the rice tillers were many and neat, the stem was strong, and the root absorption ability was enhanced. The soil chef chelate potassium dihydrogen phosphate leaf fertilizer was sprayed in the later periodPromote rice dry matter accumulation, increase yield and income. Now Brother Li gets all his fat from me, which is very acceptable!"

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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  • Zhanghuang Provincial Chemical Industrial Park, Yutai County, Jining City, Shandong Province
  • 400-9999-530