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Water-soluble fertilizer? Agricultural personnel base unanimously recognized native chef

Released Date: Apr 17,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
Water-soluble fertilizer, I believe I do not need to introduce, how many agricultural personnel have known, even in some cash crops more areas have been used for seven or eight years, even ten years, that water-soluble fertilizer how to choose? Can it be economical and affordable? Not only agricultural dealers in entanglement, to use fertilizer season farmers are also anxious, today we look at a case in Yunnan.

Water-soluble fertilizerI believe there is no need for me to introduce, how many agricultural personnel have known, even in some cash crops more areas have been used for seven or eight years, or even ten years, that water-soluble fertilizer how to choose? Can it be economical and affordable? Not only agricultural dealers in entanglement, to use fertilizer season farmers are also anxious, today we look at a case in Yunnan.

Granular water soluble fertilizer-Native Chef Doll Dish

Water-soluble fertilizer? Agricultural personnel base unanimously recognized native chef

Luliang County of Yunnan province vegetable area is large, vegetable varieties are also many, oilwheat vegetables, Italian lettuce, broccoli you can call vegetables names in this basically, the vegetable is also sold in various regions of our country. Because of the short growing period of vegetables, high economic value, so the integration of water and fertilizer facilities more comprehensive, water-soluble fertilizer is very convenient.

A vegetable planting cooperative in Luliang wanted to find water-soluble fertilizer because of the serious soil-borne diseases caused by vegetable crop cropping in successive yearsTo improve, it is related to the soil chef effect fertilizer, after the introduction of the investment manager:"Efficacy fertilizer is a fertilizer developed around the" efficacy "needed by crops under the trinity research and development system of soil, fertilizer and crops, which can improve soil fertility and fertility at the same time. A fertilizer that has one or more effects, such as rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, preserving flower, rising fruit, sweetening, coloring, resisting stress and increasing yield."

Water-soluble fertilizer? Agricultural personnel base unanimously recognized native chef

After learning about it, the person in charge of the cooperative felt that it was reliable and decided to make the first batch of goods. After returning home, they began to do the demonstration field. After the adjustment of the technical teacher of the soil chef and the continuous promotion of the person in charge,2Secondary fertilizer use of vegetables will have a significant change, Italian lettuce, lettuce, milk vegetables and other leaf vegetables significantly increased production, we see the effect have praised the responsible choice of a good brand.

Local Chef poster

Water-soluble fertilizer? Agricultural personnel base unanimously recognized native chef

Soil chef technology teacher down to lecture said;"Conventional products usually advertise content and contain substances, and do not pay attention to the efficacy of the product itself and the effect of the product, the soil chef is concerned about the growers want to achieve what effect, and give enough, this is the achievement of this slogan, soil fertility, fertilization on the soil chef!"

After this period of efficacy witness and promotion, the local farmers and base cooperatives have unanimously recognized the effect of soil chef fertilizer.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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  • 400-9999-530