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Agricultural dealers note, this kind of customer, do not credit

Released Date: Aug 17,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
After the ups and downs of the fertilizer market, the agricultural materials dealers are lamenting that it is difficult to do agricultural materials, dare not prepare more fertilizer, also dare not not prepare fertilizer, prepared for fear of it falling, not afraid of it rising, dealers are really difficult to do, in such a volatile fertilizer price, there is a problem troubling dealers, most dealers headache problem, that is, credit sales.

After the ups and downs of the fertilizer market, eachAgricultural supplies dealerAre lamenting that agricultural materials are difficult to do, do not dare to prepare more fertilizer, also do not dare not prepare fertilizer, prepared for fear of it falling, not afraid of it rising, dealers are really difficult to do, in such a volatile fertilizer price, there is a problem troubling dealers, most dealers headache problem, that is, credit sales.

Agricultural supplies dealer-Local chef service

Credit sale of agricultural materials is not a problem that can be solved in a short time. On this basis, we agricultural materials dealers have to learn to distinguish between those who can be sold on credit and those who cannot be sold on credit. Let's move on.

The first kind, no sincerity, empty hand white Wolf customers, in this you buy things are thinking of credit, do not give a little money, just say the crops sold and then give money, just want to use your money to do him is, this is empty hand white Wolf, such customers agricultural dealers lost is not a pity.

Second, the attitude is bad, talking about no credit sales or pay a little money on the flip, this person is too self-righteous, think you earn a lot of money, credit sales is taken for granted.

Third, only to you this credit sales, for the future problems thinking about less money or no money, this kind of people addicted to credit sales, do not look at the quality of the product, belongs to the very savvy small customers.

Fourth, Every year does not clear the account, every year on credit sales, after all, agricultural distribution can not completely avoid credit sales, as long as a year to clear the account, so that the agricultural distributor funds can flow through, the dealer can accept, and this is not clear of the people, belong to the money will not pay back the account, suggested at the beginning can not credit sales to him, then also say you stingy.

Fifth, For those who do not care about their reputation, many people who sell on credit will pay for their crops as soon as they have no money at that time, for fear of being late. This kind of people care about their reputation very much, but for those who do not care about their reputation and do not keep faith, you should sell on credit once, you know what kind of person he is, do not give him credit again, after all, it is difficult to guard against a small man.

Local Chef poster

Through the above points, believe a lotAgricultural supplies dealerAll know what kind of people can not sell on credit, agricultural materials distribution will encounter a lot of problems and difficulties on the road, I suggest that you agricultural materials dealers choose a reliable manufacturer, borrow the power of manufacturers to enhance their own marketing ability, professional skills, so that the risk is also smaller.

Interested agricultural dealers can understand the soil chef effect fertilizer manufacturers, dealers have technical support, product support, market services, marketing training, reduce the burden of agricultural dealers, is a rare cooperative manufacturers.

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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