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How to choose imported water-soluble fertilizer? A native cook is fat

Released Date: Apr 13,2022 Article Source: A native cook is fat
How to choose imported water-soluble fertilizer? Sichuan Xichang Liangshan grape planting area here is very large, the main varieties are Clenson, sunshine rose, sapphire, etc., are some expensive varieties, so in fertilization management investment is also more willing, today we follow the footsteps of Wang to see the effect of soil chef effect fertilizer on grapes.

Imported water soluble fertilizerHow to choose? Sichuan Xichang Liangshan grape planting area here is very large, the main varieties are Clenson, sunshine rose, sapphire, etc., are some expensive varieties, so in fertilization management investment is also more willing, today we follow the footsteps of Wang to see the effect of soil chef effect fertilizer on grapes.

Grape fertilizer-Chef Tu

Imported water soluble fertilizer-Local chef grape real shot

Wang in Xichang side mainly for the distribution of water-soluble fertilizer grape area, because everyone generally high input cost, so Wang hands also have a lot of imported water-soluble fertilizer brand, of course, the most recent attention is the soil chef effect of fertilizer.

Imported water soluble fertilizerHow to choose? A native cook is fat

Efficacy fertilizer is in soil, fertilizer, crops under the trinity of research and development system, around the crop needs"Efficacy" to develop fertilizer, can improve both soil fertility and fertility. Fertilizer with rooting, strengthening stem, green leaves, flower preservation, fruit swelling, sweetening, coloring, resistance, yield increase and other effects of one or more.

Why do you say that? Wang said a few days ago there was a base customer100Because some of the plots of Sunshine Rose had been damaged by waterlogging in the early stage, the root growth was very poor and the root phenomenon appeared, the leaves turned yellow and the plants grew slowly, so I came to Wang Zong for a solution. Wang Zong communicated with the technical teacher of soil chef on this matter, and together came up with a set of schemes, which let the customers rest easy to use, mainly the soil chefSoil enzyme rooting agent+Twelve element microbial agent for conditioning.

How to choose imported water-soluble fertilizer? A native cook is fat

Base used2-3After that, the grapes fully recovered, with large, thick leaves, many tidbits and stout stalks, which surprised the base boss. Wang came back to visit, see the farmers are incredible, all say that this native chef effect fatIt was great. They came to buy fat, and all of a sudden,"Granary need fertile soil cultivation, fertilization with efficacy fertilizer" has become the new standard for people to choose fertilizer.

Local Chef poster

Wang is also very happy, before the selection of imported water-soluble fertilizer there are several, but can not achieve such an effect, Wang is also very confident, the next promotion cooperation, soil chef effect fertilizer here will be able to sell!

All materials in this article are native chef manufacturers real feedback original, unauthorized, forbidden to reprint.

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  • 400-9999-530