18yearsof experience
50+R & D team
14010,000 tonsAnnual productivity
18yearsof experience
50+R & D team
14010,000 tonsAnnual productivity
9 kinds of chelating substances, 12 processesChelating energy®Water soluble fertilizer Solve the problem of strains that are difficult to function and the survival rate of multiple strainsGather®Microbial technology
Improve soil fertility and soil fertility, promote rooting, purify the soil, reduce toxicity, control plant diseases and insect pests, etc.Soil Enzyme(mainly)
5 synergistic substances, 6 major functions, 9 synergistic reactionsTower chelate®Granulation technology
Quick-acting results are quick, long-term stamina is sufficientSlow energy tower®Granular technology
The core team of Tufu Fertilizer Company...
The report of the 19th National Congress...
Functional fertilizer refers to fertili...
What fertilizer is applied after tomato...
The market capacity of water-soluble fe...
Functional fertilizer refers to fertili...
What fertilizer is applied after tomato...
The market capacity of water-soluble fe...
From base fertilizer to top dressing, it can be used in the whole growth period of crops. A strategic plan for the establishment of eleven production bases in Shandong, Gansu, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Henan, Jilin, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangxi, and Sichuan has been formulated to form an industrial structure of "one enterprise, eleven regions and six centers".
● Effective Fertilizer Research Center ● Key Laboratory of Effective Fertilizer● Water Soluble Fertilizer Research Center ● Biological Agent Research Center ● Compound Fertilizer Research Center● Macro Element Research Center ● Soil Technology Research Center ● Synergy Research Center● Quality Improvement Research Center